Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Hop and Card Drive

Join us on Monday, November 2nd for a Spread the Love Blog Hop and card drive!

New Hampshire is a small state filled with even smaller towns. It's the kind of place where you know everyone, leave your keys in the ignition when you run in the post office and don't worry about walking home from a neighbor's house at night. I live in the same town I grew up in by choice, not by necessity and love that my 6th grade music teacher is my daughter's principal, that my cheer leading coach is her guidance counselor and that soon she'll get the chance to beat my classmate's long standing high jump record on field day.

Mont Vernon is an even smaller town than mine about 40 minutes away. It is home to a long time friend and her family as well as their neighbor, 11 year old Jaimie Cates. On the night of October 4th Jaimie and her mom and my friend and her family went to bed with no way of knowing what events were about to transpire to change their lives.

Four local teenagers armed with knives, broke into their home and brutally murdered Kim Cates and seriously injured 11 year old Jaimie. They chose the home for no other reason than its location and for no other purpose than to bring harm to the occupants. It was a senseless, random crime that shook the small town and much of the state.

After receiving a grief filled email from my friend asking for help for the family, I knew I needed to help however I could. I asked my fellow stamper, New Hampshire gal, and long time friend Denise Lynn for ideas. Together, and with the artistic talents of Ann Vento, we came up with the idea of an international blog hop and this blog to raise awareness of the crime. We are hoping to shower Jaimie with wishes of love and hope from around the world to help her recover some of what was lost.

The hop starts at 10am ET on Monday, November 2nd and will include over 60 talented stampers, donations from fabulous stamp companies and lots of love. We are asing everyone to make and send a card to Jaimie as quickly as possible. If you are unable to make a card or wish to do more, please visit our sidebar and click on the donations link.

Thank you and see you Monday!!!
Erin Bailey


Splendid Little Stars said...

I came here from Scrap, Stamp, and Be Merry! I am in the process of writing a blog post about blogs who are helping others. I would like to include the card drive for Paige and am awaiting updated information. This seems like another good cause. Would you please give me just a bit of information on your blog hop and card drive so I can include it?
I would like to know something about Jaimie; does the hop benefit this person?

marilynprestonn said...

My heart goes out to this family and poor darling girl. My card is made and will be on it's way today. I can't describe the sadness I feel at how this tragedy happened. I know those kids must be even sadder to have come up with such ugliness.

I'll be praying for Jaimie and her dad to be strong. What you are doing here is wonderful. I don't think I can join but I send love to you all also.

Kindly, Peggy

stitchy said...

I am very proud to be a part of this in some way...Although I do not make cards, I do have the address of Jaimie and I will be sending her out a card also...My heart truly goes out to all who have been touched by this tragedy...God Bless you Jaimie & Dad
Hug & Love

Splendid Little Stars said...

I published my blog post today!

Laura Kirste Campbell said...

Erin, Denise and Ann, your hearts are as big and wonderful as your ideas! I'm glad to be part of this loving cause by being on the blog hop, making a card, and donating prizes. I will continue to pray for Jaime and her father!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I don't know what to say, this is so sad, just know little Jaimie there are people all over the world that are praying for you and sending their love, hope is the perfect word for you, you may not know it or feel it yet but I pray it will come.

New Zealand

Anonymous said...

How knowing Jesus as Lord of life is His Blessing including times like these. Our area police dispatcher says don't put up or leave up signs from a security company unless the system is working. Open invitation to challenge the security gurus! A fresh batch of criminals have joined the locals for quite a twenty-eight house foray. Jaimie will receive cards from here blessing her and illustrating the color and joy God has awaiting her and her dad. Keep Looking UP!

Roxx.T Barnes said...

I found your blog from True's Gift's From the Heart's blinkie.
I'm sadden to hear the pain Jaime's & her family have endured.
I will include the Cates family in my prayers & have posted Jaime's blinkie on my blog.


Lorie said...

Random acts of violence are, unfortunately, rising in frequency. I just don't understand it. You are doing a good thing here for Jaimie. May God heal her fully both inside and out!

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry for jaimie..i am sending card to her which shown in my blog..thanks for your love and effort for a humanity cause.

lourna (pisces23)

Mandy said...

i have red the post on what has happened and I m so so sad...i have 6 children, ne almost 11 and this just breks my heart..i have not read the conditions of the blog hop, but will do tonight...i will make a card and send it off to this little girl who sounds like she needs alot of love and support now nd well into the future...heartbroken but prouid to be part of this world wide love sent to her....tke will put it on my blog and hope that lots of Aussie girls hear about it...

Unknown said...

It's almost beyond beleif what has happened to Jaimie, home is a place we all want to be safe, this was tragically taken from Jaimie on that night.
I don't know how or where you begin to put your world back together but I do know somehow you get the strength to carry on and make the best of what you have.
This comes in many ways, this card dirve is a small part of that too, thank you for starting this and allowing us all to show WE care.
hugs Angela x

Nilla said...

Such a sad story, I hope this little girl can learn how to cope with this in the future! I have sent her a card and put your badges on my blog! Good luck! Hugs Nilla

Patty Chalas said...

wonderful card!!

Nina said...

Erin, God bless and thanks!

julie said...

I can't imagine what Jaimie and her dad are going through. I know how hard it is to lose a parent at such a young age but to lose a parent this way, I cant put words to describe their loss. Their lives are changed forever. Hope they feel the love and compassion we have for them, now and in the future. I pray god blesses them both and give them the strength and hope they need to come to terms with this tragedy. I have made a card. Hope she likes it